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About Blissful Birth Doula 

Brianne Bell CD(DONA)

Certified Birth Doula

I am the mother of two wonderful elementary-aged daughters. I became interested in labour and birth when I became pregnant with my first daughter. I researched a lot at that time and spoke with many mothers about their births. When I read about the role of the Doula I knew I had found my calling.


I believe in a woman’s physical ability to birth, I believe in her mental ability to birth and I believe in her spiritual right to birth in the way that she wishes. My role is to provide continuous physical and emotional support throughout the entire birth.


To fulfill this role, I have received comprehensive doula training, and am fully certified through DONA International. I follow DONA’s standards of practice, and I strictly adhere to their code of ethics. As a Doula, I will use my training to support you and your partner unconditionally and continuously to make your birth the empowering, beautiful experience it should be!



To bring positive experiences and outcomes to every woman's birthing and postpartum experience. 


To change the way our society views birth and motherhood, not as something to be feared but as a privilege, a right of passage, an all-encompassing and empowering experience to be desired and inspired by! I am driven by the desire to remove the fear of birth and replace it with the bravery and determination required for any difficult task we must undertake in this life.


Blissful Birth Doula Services

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